Want to be Featured?!

Hello Luminary Ladies and Gents!
It has been a little while since I’ve written a blog and I’m so happy to share this one because we are asked about this on a daily basis.
What I LOVE about our Social Media, specifically Instagram is we are all about YOU! We don’t rely on pretty branded content because that’s not what is important to us. You guys are Luminary and we want to share your amazing photos and the nails we call works of art.
Sometimes your posts can get lost so I’m here to explain to you how we choose our photos and what you can do to have a better shot of making it onto our “Grid”.
- First, you MUST have a quality picture. It must be well lit, bright and eye catching because while we are scrolling for content we choose what POPS!
- Secondly, make sure you are tagging us and your products correctly. I have given an example below of @pixienailco (Leah) and the way she tags her posts.

- Tag @luminary_nail_systems in the photo because that is where we scroll for content as well as our hashtag #luminarynailsystems
- Tag @luminary_nail_systems in the description along with what color you have used. For example #luminaryhope #luminaryclarity, because one thing we notice is that girls are constantly asking what color was used.
Thirdly, checkout the illustrations below!
We love you all and are so thankful and grateful for your continued support, blessed are we all!